b. 1983 Santiago, Chile

Lives and works in Chile


Javier’s work focuses on visual perception, the phenomenology of light, darkness and space, and the subsequent emotional and psychological implications on the viewer. He has a particular interest in architecture, specifically in those spaces where artworks have the capacity to mediate perception. His practice examines the question of how a body of work that is primarily formal and phenomenological is able to permeate the cultural sphere. Consequently, his artwork allows a triangulation between space, the viewer and the piece itself. This triad reveals each piece’s capacity to activate and power the subjective experience through concrete mediums. 

Beyond the creation of works as an end point, I want to create installations that serve as entry points to generate unique experiences of subjective perceptions, connected with the social dynamics of the location of each project.

- Javier Toro Blum


M.A. Sculpture, The Royal College of Art, London

B.A. Fine Arts, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Toro Blum has exhibited solo shows with Ingmar en Galería Concreta, Matucana 100; Dibujar en la Tierra in Centro Nacional de Arte Cerrillos; La Cámara de Schrödinger; No pasado No Presente No futuro; Fotometrías; and Triada on Galería Patricia Ready.

Among his collective exhibitions are Domestic Essays, Carpintarias de São Lázaro, Lisbon Architecture Triennale; Hablar en Lenguas, 12a Bienal de Artes Mediales en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Chile; 21st Century Art and Design – RCA 2013 on Christie’s London; Muse on Lempertz Berlin; Paradise in Salone del Mobile, Milán and Luz Sur on Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Valdivia, among others. 


His work is in the collections of the Royal College of Art, Princeton University, Museo de Arte Moderno de Chiloé, White Elephant Bibliothek, Consejo para la Transparencia del Gobierno de Chile, Fundación Ca.Sa and Fundación Engel, as well as in private collections in Chile, Germany, France, England and Peru.